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A collection of triangular figures looking towards a larger triangular figure.
17 Feb: Artist Interview with Ben Crowder

Ben Crowder was asked to create a piece showing how Heavenly Mother has helped shape our souls from before earth life. This piece (and 22 others from various artists) will…

Parent reading book to young child
04 Dec: 3 Mother-God Creation Books for Young Kids

Mama God, Papa God Written by Richardo Keens-Douglas, illustrated by Stefan Czernecki In this vibrantly illustrated retelling of a Caribbean creation tale, Mama God and Papa God create the world…

Open scriptures with feminine pronouns
11 Nov: Likening Scriptures and Heavenly Mother

As a missionary I sometimes shared a few verses from 1 Nephi 19 with investigators and members. In these verses, Nephi explains how, when he read scriptures from the brass…