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Mere Mortal Glimpse

How blessed we are,
We cannot know,
To be the children
Of a harmonious
Heavenly union

With parents
That embrace-
Sing songs,
And gaze

Creating in love
In their home up above:
Flowers and sunsets;
And the idea of romance

Crafting clouds
Forging falls
That join Their rivers
Exquisitely executing
So that all They deliver
May be-
The ultimate expression of love

Do we know to be thankful
For something so constant?
Do we take for granted
Their love and Their attachment?

They care for us
For we are the product
Of Their love

How blessed we are,
We cannot know,
To be the children
Of a harmonious
Heavenly union

To witness the love notes
Penned in purples and blues
Oranges, reds,
In all of their hues

While the skies
Storm in emotional declaration;
A mere mortal glimpse
At divine flirtation-

An ever-growing adoration
Is their harmonious
Heavenly union

by Ashley Workman

Man and woman clothed in white who are hugging each other and looking in each others eyes