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To Me Heavenly Mother’s Name Is . . .

by Feminist FHE, Provo

To Me Heavenly Mother’s Name Is . . .by Feminist FHE, Provo

To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is Light.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is heard in the rushing of the ocean

and the whispers of the wind.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is Stars.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is flowers in springtime,

frosted tree tops and christmas wreaths,



To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is the light of the moon.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is seen in the faces of passionate, strong brown women

fighting their way

to the top.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is the other half

of Elohim


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is Embrace. She sees

her children’s pain and sorrow. She envelopes

her children in her warm boson. She is

safety and calm.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is a soft purple.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is found in the eyes

of my eternal companion,

her power and her love.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is Truth.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is Creator, building

mountains, lakes, and all beauty

around me.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is Mother Earth. She is forgotten

and ignored. But she is ever

present and life sustaining.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is what matters more

than anything else, but what I’m scared to say

because man said not to.


To me Heavenly Mother’s name

is coming home.