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Heavenly Mother is with us in our trials

Sad woman standing next to windowI was studying D&C 93 weeks ago while going through a lot of things. Struggling deeply to feel like I could keep my head above water. My faith and testimony were still there, but I just felt so disconnected. Thoroughly failing on the wife, mama, and most of all daughter fronts. I was searching for something, but I didn’t know exactly what. As I sat and pondered the verses and their meaning, an image came to my mind much like the one shown above. When Jesus was suffering in Gethsemane, he pleaded with Heavenly Father to spare him. Luke 22:43 tells us an angel was sent to comfort Christ after his plea. We don’t know who this angel was, but I felt with every fiber of my being that the angel sent to mourn with Jesus was our Heavenly Mother. Who better to send to the only begotten Son of God in his most desperate hours of need than she? Where else would a mother want to be than by her child’s side while they’re suffering and in agonizing pain? This impression shook me to my core. Through our trials she is there. She knows our heartaches and mourns with us as we struggle through this life. She rejoices with us as we experience the small and big victories. She cheers for us and encourages us. And just like she was in the garden with Jesus, I feel her loving arms reaching out when I am in the deepest pits of my own struggles. It is such a comfort to know my Mother in Heaven is just as much a part of my life as my Heavenly Father and Savior. 

by Elizabeth Packham