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I saw our Mother in the temple

Woman and young girl smiling and hugging each otherI had a prayer in my heart today to see Heavenly Mother’s hand in the temple.

I participated as a witness, for the first time, during sealings. I saw our mother, side by side with our father. As we were doing sealings one of the women’s names was just “unknown”. The sealer stopped and said, “I’m going to say ‘mother’.” That got my attention. There she was. I saw our mother.

I was a daughter and her name was Virginia, my grandmother’s name. My husband and I had a son sealed to us named James, the name I gave our baby we lost the month before. I saw her hand again. I was seen.

As we were leaving one of the sisters took my hand and placed a small pouch in it, and thanked me. It had a beautiful poem about the service we provide each other as sisters in the temple, some mints, and a bracelet (to carry the names of those you are serving on your wrist). It was beautiful! She whispered to me, “We need each other.” I saw our mother in that act as well.

I saw her hand in the ‘thank yous’ of a mother and daughter whom we helped (my husband particularly, in maneuvering the mother’s wheelchair and helping her to and from the alter). And again with the sweet compliments I received, “Tell your wife she’s truly beautiful,” and, “You’re eyebrows are amazing!” She lifts us up looking for the next thing to praise.

note, white bracelet, and cough dropsI saw her in my mother, offering to watch my daughter, so we could go to temple.

I saw her again as we were reading scriptures and I was prompted to teach my daughter at her level. I saw her. Today was truly beautiful! I saw our mother.

by Gwen Sorensen