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Playing “Queen”

Toddler girl in pink coat standing on stump of wood and waving hand like a queenThis morning, I heard my 3-year-old daughter playing “Queen” which is one of her favorite games. She loves to act like royalty and pretend to tell imaginary people what to do. At one point, she stopped and started doing the Hosanna Shout and waving her hand, just like we did at conference. She even remembered all of the words.

It was such a sweet moment. I love that she connected the Hosanna Shout to her queenly behavior. She inherently understood that this ceremony had a touch of royalty in it and that it was special enough for a queen. I’ve been pondering on it all morning and it makes it all that much more profound to me because that’s exactly how God sees each of us. Our Heavenly Parents are constantly singing hosanna to each one of us and encouraging us to be the queens they know we can be.

by Callan