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Phrases to help you connect with the Mother

Right now is a challenging time for many of us during the current pandemic. Reciting these phrases or mantras can bring some peace during this challenging time with the pandemic and creating your own phrases can help you connect with Heavenly Mother in a personal way.

Four pebbles stacked on table outdoors

Right now is a challenging time for many of us during the current pandemic. We may be grieving, feeling alone, sad, frustrated, or many other emotions. It can be difficult to not feel alone during this time when we are distant from those we love or maybe distant from ourselves as well. I have felt this way too. Practicing meditation has been a venue for me to reconnect with myself and Heavenly Mother. I like reciting short phrases that empower me when I meditate, such as “ I am worthy of love and belonging” or “I am supported.” These phrases bring peace to me as well as re-establish my connection to myself and my surroundings. I wrote up twelve mantras that could help you connect with your Heavenly Mother that you could include in your meditation or yoga practices or to remember when you need to feel connected.

  1. I am fully supported by my Heavenly Mother
  2. I am worthy of love from Heavenly Mother
  3. I am whole as my Heavenly Mother is whole
  4. I love and I am loved by Heavenly Mother
  5. I stand with full awareness of my Heavenly Mother
  6. I trust that I am in Heavenly Mother’s hands
  7. I have help from Heavenly Mother
  8. I am made in the image of my Heavenly Mother
  9. I reach for Heavenly Mother as she reaches towards me
  10. I am seen by my Heavenly Mother
  11. I am empowered as Heavenly Mother is empowered
  12. I am full of my Heavenly Mother’s love

Reciting these phrases or mantras can bring some peace during this challenging time with the pandemic and creating your own phrases can help you connect with Heavenly Mother in a personal way. Feel free to share your own phrases or mantras in the comments below, we would love to hear them!

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Comments (3)

Wow. I am so grateful you exist.

I worked on some paintings whilst listening to Richard Ostler’s podcast with you. One in particular I’d like to share with you. Is there a way I can do it ? It is of Heavenly Mother and some of Her friends.

Charlotte Scholl Shurtz

Hi, Tammy! We’d love to see your paintings! You can share them with us by submitting them at

Hi there, I just found out this website and wanted to ask a few questions. I have had many dreams about a woman telling me that she is my mother. She shows me lots of love and I feel very happy in her presence. So I was wondering can the heavenly mother appear in dreams?

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